
The Challenge is starting soon! Join Us Today!

Tapping Challenge

Say goodbye to out-of-control food cravings, make peace with your body, and eat healthy foods with confidence and joy.


Thin girl refuses sweets that are in the white plate

This free 5-day challenge is intended to help you:

  • Stop the battle with your body
  • Free yourself from food cravings
  • Eat with confidence and joy

Isn't it time to stop the battle with your body and your plate, and welcome more peace and joy to both your table and your life?

EFT Tapping is an easy to learn mind-body tool. 

Each day of this 5-day challenge you’ll get a tapping prompt intended to help with food cravings PLUS a simple healthy recipe to help with your food choices, along with daily affirmations and support in the private challenge Facebook group.

Woman doing EFT on the eye brow point. Emotional Freedom Techniques, tapping, a form of counseling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine.

And the best part? It’s 100% FREE.

Because I'm passionate about supporting others in their journey towards more health and happiness.

So make sure to get registered now because we get started on Monday, March 1st!

Register before the doors close - I can’t wait to see you in there!

Love & light, Christine

Yes! I am IN!

While it isn’t possible to guarantee any specific results and the following endorsements do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome an individual will experience using Christine’s services, clients and participants in her events and courses report having positive experiences.

Here is what some individuals have to say:

“Thank you Christine! I definitely needed this and was not paying attention to how much sugar and white flour I was eating! This has been a good way to reset my palate! Thank you for all the recipes and all the work involved in running this challenge.”
Candace R
“I would recommend any work with Christine, she offers a safe, calm and supportive environment for whatever you bring to the table.”
DC, Ontario, Canada
“This work with Christine was an emotional breakthrough for me. Life shows up differently for me now. I feel more in control of my life, and even when I’m not in control I feel I now have the tools in place to work through the issues that come up.”
DS, Ontario, Canada
“If you had told me only a few weeks ago that I would be cutting out sugar and eating low-carb, I would have said you were crazy! Now, I can’t believe how easy it’s been!”
Tammy S
“Thank you so much Christine for the tapping opportunity!! It was an awesome experience and incredibly helpful getting me back on track.”
Kathy C

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