I’m writing this on a blissfully rainy day. After the drought and wildfires of this summer, rain pattering against the window is the best sound ever!
I’m sure you’ve noticed the crazy weather across the globe this summer. Beyond the burning forests, smoke-filled skies and drought in much of Canada and the U.S, catastrophic flooding has destroyed lives and communities in Germany, England, and China this summer. As I write this in August, much of Turkey and Greece are on fire, threatening homes as well as the Acropolis and other historic sites that have stood for millennia. If you tuned into the news yesterday, you will have heard about the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is sounding a “Code Red” for humanity, warning that the extreme weather events we are seeing will only increase in the years ahead unless drastic action is taken to decrease climate pollution.
You can read more about why I call the summer of 2021 a season of reckonings in my last blog post, or listen to it on a recent episode of the Eaarth Feels Podcast.
A Reconciliation of Two Worlds
Some of you may know that my journey to energy healing includes many years of writing about, and advocating for action on, climate change. As a mother and a healthcare professional, I was (and continue to be) alarmed at the lack of action on the part of our elected leaders to ensure we are leaving a livable world for future generations.
Since I launched my wellness practice five years ago, it has been a struggle for me to publicly reconcile my two passions, my Earth/climate activism and my spiritual/energetic healing work. This summer, the two have come together for me.
“It is clear to the Union of Concerned Scientists and anyone else taking a sober look that our direction must change radically if we are to survive as a species.” (Dr David Feinstein)
In June I participated in an amazing workshop led by Donna Eden and Dr David Feinstein (you can learn more about Eden Energy Medicine here – https://edenenergymedicine.com/). Donna is an energy healer who is able to see the energy around people and other living beings. She has become increasingly aware, in recent years, of patterns of energy that suggest that humans may be ready to make an evolutionary leap in consciousness from fear to love even as we appear to be heading towards chaos. And that we are being supported in making that shift by a loving energetic force.
“History gives us reason for hope that cultural transformation can exceed our wildest imagination.” (Dr David Feinstein)
I felt so many shivers up and down my spine during this workshop. These shivers are what let me know when I’m in the right place and the right time, getting the right “downloads”.
After this workshop, and other recent experiences, it’s clear to me that it’s time to let my “freak flag fly” (LOL) and bring together my two worlds publicly. I told you not so long ago that I was “coming out of the closet” as a Soul Detective®, and now I’m telling you that I’m a Soul Detective® with a particular focus on helping people build spiritual resilience during these trying times. If you are feeling hopeless about the state of the world – and climate/ecological despair is real, and increasingly being experienced – I hope you’ll feel at home in the Tapping Courage Wellness (TCW) community. And if you’re not experiencing, or worried about, the impacts of climate change, I hope you will also feel welcome in the TCW community, because greater spiritual resilience is helpful in regular everyday life as well.
I continue to offer one-on-one Spiritual Coaching sessions (click here to find out more), as well as my free challenges. The Ignite Your Insight with Oracle Cards and Energy challenge is launching again at the end of the month, so look for more info in your inbox on that soon.
Launching a Climate of Love Facebook Group
I’m excited to launch a new private Facebook group as one of the ways to offer more support to you. (I know that not all of you are on Facebook, so keep reading for more news for you). Head over to the Climate of Love group if you are interested in weekly oracle card pulls, chances to win a personal energy clearing from me, a Climate of Love book club, other free giveaways, and more! The first twenty people to join the group will be entered to win a Soul Purpose card reading with me via Zoom. So don’t wait, here’s the link again: https://www.facebook.com/groups/climateoflove
Climate Cafes
A second, non-Facebook-based, way I’m going to be offering my support is through holding regular online “Climate Cafes”. The Climate Cafe conversations will be an opportunity to share our experiences, fears, and hopes, of living in a time of climate change. They will offer a safe and non-judgemental atmosphere to explore the challenges we are facing, individually and collectively. My aim is to also provide participants with resources from my energetic “toolbox” for support on this journey. The first Climate Cafe gathering will be on Saturday September 4th at 9:30 am EST (6:30 am Pacific – my apologies to anyone on the West Coast!). To get on the Tapping Courage Wellness newsletter list to make sure you don’t miss out, head over to our Free Resources page to sign up. Stay tuned for more details – I really hope you will join the conversation!
Eaarth Feels Podcast
A third resource that I offer is the podcast, Eaarth Feels, that I have been co-hosting for over two years. This fall my monthly contributions to the Friday conversations will include conversations with people who are helping humanity’s shift in consciousness. So stay tuned for more on that front as well!
I will leave you with the words of Hopi Chief White Eagle, from July 2021 (you can read all his wise words in the Climate of Love group):
“This moment humanity is experiencing can be seen as a door or a hole…When we cross the threshold, we have a new worldview because we faced our fears and difficulties. This is all you can do now:
– Serenity in the storm
– Keep calm, pray everyday
– Make a habit of meeting the sacred everyday.
Show resistance through art, joy, trust and love.”
Wishing you love and peace as we sail ahead together,
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